New member
i have a vaquero,a compadre,a silver sabre and a minelab x terra 305.the 305 was bought to fill the shoes of the deleon that i couldn't afford at the's an okay finds stuff,it lies a lot,doesn't disc well and it's slow responding to a target.occassionly i like to be able to look at a screen and depth before i think about digging it up.would i gain anything by buying a deleon.if i bought the deleon it operates in the 10khz range,is this the low end of tesoro's operating scale.the 305 operates in the 7.5 khz medium frequency standard off the shelf frequency,is this a good frequency to operate in general sites. mr. payne said 12.5khz was the all round best frequency to use on any detector.i'm thinking of selling the 305,my kids wanted to buy me a high frequency coil for xmas for the 305 and i can't see the value of sending good money after tesoro's find more.the 305 was bought after reading all the hype on a whim,i feel like a christian flagellist,trying to sort out my thoughts.bye for now,blowfly,hh