I'm still working on my first set of batteries. I can't believe the battery life I'm getting! The meter is down to three blocks. How low do you Deleon users go before replacing the batteries?
On another note, the Deleon found another silver quarter today, at 9" deep. That's my 10th silver of the year, and the Deleon got 8 of those. That new Cazador is going to need to be one heck of a machine to bump the Deleon out of the top spot in my Tesoro arsenal.
On another note, the Deleon found another silver quarter today, at 9" deep. That's my 10th silver of the year, and the Deleon got 8 of those. That new Cazador is going to need to be one heck of a machine to bump the Deleon out of the top spot in my Tesoro arsenal.