I received my Deleon today from Richard at Backwoods; thank you very much again Richard! I put it together, slapped some batteries in it, grabbed some targets and headed out to the backyard with it. Like most Tesoros, you notice how light weight the unit is right away and it just feels good in your hands but you Tesoro guys know all about that already. I fired it up and started air testing some of my targets I had brought out with me. First of all, it locks on to a reading and is not jumpy like some other of the TID units I have tried. The graph also gives a good indicator to dig and will also "smear" on trash targets that I tried. I also discovered the same thing while swinging over some targets in my test garden. I am very impressed so far and can't wait to find time to go on a hunt with it. Now, the not so good in my ever so humble opinion. Other people may disagree with me, but in my air tests and test garden, it became evident that the Deleon is not going to win any deep detector contests; it just does not have very great depth compared to some units I have had. Thats ok though b/c I have not found extremely deep coins in my area so I don't really need 10+ inch depth detection on a coin but that doesn't mean I don't want it so it's a need vs a want on depth. Second, about 6 inches on dime/penny sized targets is about the max depth before the TID readings were dropping down from the 95 reading to the 60's. If it's deep and faint you will probably not get an accurate depth reading but better to dig anyway if it sounds good! I'll post again when I get to hunt but don't see that happening really soon; just so darn busy right now.