I am starting to do good with my recognition of coins in iron mask and disc, but I am hunting in a fairgrounds with a lot of grassy area(lawn type). I can distinguish the coins (most of the time) from the trash, that is the newer closer coins, although I did get two dimes (1942,1943) at about 4 to 6 inches. But I am really having problems with the deeper stuff. I get a good ringing high sound and sometimes it is weak but still a good "possible" and sometimes the crosshairs move around, but the sound sometimes is clear and usually a crosshair in upper right or high right with only half showing BUT I just cannot get a good clear pinpoint, either I get two or three pinpoint sounds close together as I sweep or i pick up several PP sounds near the tone. I go out of PP hold the detector out and come back to PP and try again and I get a fair sound with maybe only a double weak pinpoint but then I start picking up several sounds again nearby. I just get frustrated and I will stay on it for 15 or 20 minutes. Sometimes when I think I get a "fair" pinpoint and the depth is indicating about 8"s,I will dig, but I still seem to head for china. I will get up several times and try to resound and PP but sometimes the PP has moved or I get a clear center PP and I dig deeper with no results. Maybe I am just going to have to dig everything and hope for the best and learn from there but if anyone has any pointers that may help it would be greatly appreciated. I did find a 1942 dime under a metal lid, but the lid was giving me a good ring, it was just that I always recheck the area after I find junk and the dime was there. It was a nice sound after I had it exposed a bit. I have listened to the sounds on the links and looked at and have tried the suggestions I am getting so I know I need lots more experience but I WILL learn this dude. I am sure this park is a gold mine if I can get to the deeper coins, I just dont think it was hunted much at all because it is a State Fair park and at the time in the 40's there were a lot of screw caps and later a lot of pull tabs and some beer cans and most of the hunters had the older machines and just gave up because of the amount of junk, now I can get past most of that and get down to the good coins if I can figure how to recognize them and get at least a fair pinpoint. I know it hasn't been worked much because I dug about 30 coins yesterday so there is a lot of good stuff just waiting. I just don't want to dig a big hole here because I am sure if the manager saw me digging anything of size he would make me quit even though I am careful to save the dirt and plug and fix the damage, it still looks horrible as a person is digging, especially in a nice looking lawn and there is a big pile of dirt. Thanks for any suggestions and as always your help is greatly appreciated and valued. Ken