I'm sure it depends on ground mineralization. In many places target id drops with depth. I've heard of some areas with it rises with depth, but that has not been my general experience. Except that if the id drops low enough, the VDI will wrap around and go hi "hot rock" on you.
I have some pea gravel in the schoolyards here that drastically reduces depth on all machines, and believe me I've tried lots of them. And all of them get lower VDI numbers on targets the deeper you bury the target in the stuff, until you finally get an iron reading. This is not unusual; not one machine I have ever tried yet does not do this to some degree. My theory is the deeper the target, the higher the ratio of ground mineral to metal you are getting until the machine sees so much ground mineral it calls the target ferrous.
Machines I have tries include the Explorer, CZ series, MXT, Vaquero, Troy X-5, X-Terra units, and more. A bunch of the best. All do it.
I was getting VDI wrap on deep targets, and some deep coins pulled so low they wrapped around back to extreme high VDI as "hot rocks". This does make it look like the VDI was pulled higher when it actually was being pulled extremely low.
The coil makes a huge difference. The larger coils simply see even more ground to target, and so make the effect worse. Smaller coils or DD coils can do better than stock coils in most cases by reducing the ratio of ground to target.
So, with that lead in, I found the X-Terra units in the discriminate mode to be somewhat middle of the pack in this particular regard. BUT, I have just got the 3 kHz coil for my X-Terra 70 and it may help. The DD coil may also help. So the jury is still out as far as I am concerned.
What I do know for sure is in disc mode the targets are much weaker than in the Prospecting Mode on my X-Terra 70, and that I have taken to using the Prospecting Mode in the pea gravel. The digging is easy, and targets you cannot get at all in the disc mode read loud and strong in the Prospecting Mode. The X-Terra 70 has a very powerful true all-metal hunt mode the X-Terra 30 and 50 lack and which is alone worth the extra money for the unit for what I do.
Steve Herschbach
Alaska Mining & Diving Supply