Hi bula,
When you talk about a deep target what does your bar show.
That depends on the size of the target and if there is junk near the target. A dime will usually read 78 - 82 for me. If you put a piece of junk or even another coin close to the dime the numbers will change. If the numbers change the detector won't show a full bar because it is not sure what the target us. Usually the ID accuracy starts to drop off with depth.
With my mxt even at 9 or 10" most of the time I still get a full bar and the vdi reads correct when in coin mode.
What kind of targets were you finding at 9" deep and what coil were you using? Where is your gain set? Are you saying you get a coin at 9" or 10" that ID's correct and gives a full bar? The only coil that reads very accurate for depth is the stock 9.5. With some of the other coils that 9" coin reading is a really a 7" deep coin. Are your depths measured or a detector reading?
Is there something I am missing, if I do not get a 3/4 bar there is not a good target in the hole most of the time. Lately I have had the discrimination turned down to 5 & still get good hits at 7 to 9 inches.
At disc.5 I'm already losing the nickels and a lot of rings. What kind of hits are you getting, I mean what are your VDI numbers?
I know that the closer to the top the louder the sound & the deeper is gets quite but I still get good readings.
If I run my detector hot in the plus range, I lose the modulation. The audio is amplified and the deep and shallow targets start to sound the same.
Anyway you seem to be doing better where you hunt then were I am at. Keep up the good work. Rob