I've heard several people say they use relic mode with the trigger forward. When I try that on my mxt pro, it acts like it is in all metal (pin point) mode. It has no discrimination with the trigger forward. If I move it to the middle position it seems usable with a grunt for iron and high tone for anything above the discrimination setting. Why is my detector doing this if everyone else says to use the forward position on the trigger? There is no way to detect while in pinpoint mode because most of the ground area blares with some type of metalic or mineral substance. I only use coin/jewelry mode because the relic mode acts differently for me than others describe. If the pro version uses a different trigger position while in relic mode, is that the only difference? When someone says 'use trigger forward', do I just use the middle position and all other settings are the same as they describe? I kinda doubt my detector is malfunctioning, it works fine in all other settings and even seems ok in relic with the exception that the trigger is in a different position than others use. Its just odd that every time I hear another person say they like relic mode they specificly like using the trigger in the forward position. For me(MXT PRO), the forward position while in relic is the same as squeezing the trigger and unusable for anything but pinpointing. If this is normal, it might be worth noting when someone says to specifically use trigger forward while in relic mode.