Yesterday I hunted a new area of the park, and found the 1837 Token, along with a really worn Rosie. I decided to concentrate my entire hunt today in the same spot, within a 30x30 area of the token. Soon as I got there I noticed a very young looking tree. It couldn't be more than 30 years old, but I could tell that the soil around it looked really hard. Always a great indication (to me at least) that anything dropped in dirt like that wouldn't sink very far, and there's always the possibility that a coin could get stuck on top of a root. Seen it happen. So I immediately got to swinging. Within a minute I got my first target. A 1947 Wheat. OK, not too shabby. Started walking towards the tree and got a really deep, iffy, but repeatable hit. It was all over the place. I could see there was a target very deep, and no blue to indicate any iron was present, and although jumpy, it kept hitting. I figured anything at 8" had a really good chance of being something good, so I started to dig. This dirt was REALLY hard. I'm not joking, or exaggerating either. I have a blister and bruise from digging in this stuff all day. Anyway, it took a while to get to 7 - 8". Put the GPP in and hit the target right away. Pull it out, and WOW! My first Barber dime with the CTX! Extremely happy. This park has given-up a lot of Barbers, but only the ETRAC had found them. Now I got the monkey off my back.

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So now I stand-up and re-scan the hole, and to my surprise there's still a deep iffy signal. This time the TID is more stable, and I can see 12-43. I'm thinking "omg please be another Barber!", and dig down 3 more inches and out pops a 1917 Merc. The Merc was BELOW the Barber! Weird, but hey, a TWO SILVER HOLE! I was thrilled. Still smiling after that dig today. A perfect example as to why you ALWAYS re-scan your holes BEFORE filling them in!

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Now that my second hole of the day had two old silver dimes in it I was really excited for this section of park. I had to actually remind myself to slow down a few times. Once you get that silver bug it's hard to contain yourself. I criss-crossed back and forth over the toughest looking dirt with the mindset like before. "Nothing dropped on this concrete like dirt will sink very far!" I kept thinking that over and over. 20 minutes after the double silver I get a real screamer. Perfect high pitch, repeatable, and deeper than 5". It almost sounded too good. I kept looking at the depth, and it was jumping between 5-7". OK, lets dig this, and at the same time record it. If it sounds like a perfect deep silver why not get it on video?
As I dug down I kept checking the hole with my GPP. I didn't wanna scratch whatever was down there. I scratched the token yesterday, and still ticked-off about it. Anyway, the GPP starts to scream solid, so now I'm on whatever it is. I start wiping dirt away with my rubber glove, and see a silver rim. YES! Silver again, but what is it? Position the camera in one hand, and with the other slowly work it out of it's spot with the Lesche. After a few scoops it falls free complete with the little dirt fossil impression it left from being it the concrete-like soil for so many years. Turns out it's a beautifully detailed 1945 Merc. OK, happy times. 3 silver day, some Wheats, and now that I'm talking to myself and happy as fat kid in the Wonka factory, some homeless guy named Carl came over to see what I was up to. Not saying he was bad luck, but he stayed and talked to me for the next two hours till sunset, a nice gent, and I didn't find anything else while he was there. Before he left he asked if I could give him a few dollars for some food, so I opened my wallet, saw 3 singles and a 10 spot, and decided I was in such a great mood, plus he was a cool dude for BS-ing with me all that time, that I'd give him the ten. It was a great day, so why not? I'll make more money, and I can afford it, so I'm happy Carl can go grab a mean tonight, or another 40 of malt liquor which he seemed to be just out of at the start of our conversation. Anyway, that's my day people. Below is the 1945 Merc with it's dirt fossil, and the video I took also. Thanks for reading. -Fin

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So now I stand-up and re-scan the hole, and to my surprise there's still a deep iffy signal. This time the TID is more stable, and I can see 12-43. I'm thinking "omg please be another Barber!", and dig down 3 more inches and out pops a 1917 Merc. The Merc was BELOW the Barber! Weird, but hey, a TWO SILVER HOLE! I was thrilled. Still smiling after that dig today. A perfect example as to why you ALWAYS re-scan your holes BEFORE filling them in!

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Now that my second hole of the day had two old silver dimes in it I was really excited for this section of park. I had to actually remind myself to slow down a few times. Once you get that silver bug it's hard to contain yourself. I criss-crossed back and forth over the toughest looking dirt with the mindset like before. "Nothing dropped on this concrete like dirt will sink very far!" I kept thinking that over and over. 20 minutes after the double silver I get a real screamer. Perfect high pitch, repeatable, and deeper than 5". It almost sounded too good. I kept looking at the depth, and it was jumping between 5-7". OK, lets dig this, and at the same time record it. If it sounds like a perfect deep silver why not get it on video?
As I dug down I kept checking the hole with my GPP. I didn't wanna scratch whatever was down there. I scratched the token yesterday, and still ticked-off about it. Anyway, the GPP starts to scream solid, so now I'm on whatever it is. I start wiping dirt away with my rubber glove, and see a silver rim. YES! Silver again, but what is it? Position the camera in one hand, and with the other slowly work it out of it's spot with the Lesche. After a few scoops it falls free complete with the little dirt fossil impression it left from being it the concrete-like soil for so many years. Turns out it's a beautifully detailed 1945 Merc. OK, happy times. 3 silver day, some Wheats, and now that I'm talking to myself and happy as fat kid in the Wonka factory, some homeless guy named Carl came over to see what I was up to. Not saying he was bad luck, but he stayed and talked to me for the next two hours till sunset, a nice gent, and I didn't find anything else while he was there. Before he left he asked if I could give him a few dollars for some food, so I opened my wallet, saw 3 singles and a 10 spot, and decided I was in such a great mood, plus he was a cool dude for BS-ing with me all that time, that I'd give him the ten. It was a great day, so why not? I'll make more money, and I can afford it, so I'm happy Carl can go grab a mean tonight, or another 40 of malt liquor which he seemed to be just out of at the start of our conversation. Anyway, that's my day people. Below is the 1945 Merc with it's dirt fossil, and the video I took also. Thanks for reading. -Fin

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