Here is what most deeper programs have,,,,sens 95 plus,,,reactivity 0-2,, silencer -1,,,,freq 4-12khz,,tx power 2 or 3,,full tones,,,can use some disc,,,audio reporting level 5 or higher, dead on GB or lower setting
Now your ground minerals,,,will dictate how low a reactivity setting you can run,,,,in hotter ground 0 for instance a no go.
Silencer -1 is a must.
Running GB down from actual ground reading,,,,new user of Deus should hold off a bit until more experience under belt with Deus.
12khz seems to hit nickels deeper,,,4 and 8 kHz the copper and silver,,,,lower conductors 18khz.
Should point out though,,,best freq for the conductive level of coin you are looking for,,,,,not necessarily the freq,,you choose,,,why???
Deus will separate in iron better at 18kh vs the lower freqs,,,,and the separation abilities degrades morso on a sliding scale as you go lower with freq selection.
Silver can be found in nail pits with 18khz,,copper coins too.
Very possible to be able to get a tone,,,"tonal sound to tell you nonferrous target is beneath coil" using 18khz,,,flip to lower freqs,,,this name target can go bye bye tonally or be degraded (level can vary).
Deus is a good plowed ground detector,,,or tilled soil detector.