I have what I feel is a fairly unique site that is perfect for testing not only different detectors, but different settings on a given detector. It is a 128 year old park that started life in 1883 and in 1884 hosted one of only two authentic Mexican Bullfights held in North America. Some 10,000 spectators were there and it has seen many events since. What makes it unique is that it sitting on the north bank of the Arkansas River which used to flood on average every 30-40 years depositing from 3-6" of silt/mud at each flood. This has buried the older coins to a depth of at least 24" in some spots. This means in this park it isn't so much a matter of wondering IF there are any coins, but IF you have a detector that can get down to them. You know they are there. For 20 years I worked it over with my Eagle Spectrum, 8 years with my DFX and the last 4 years with my E-Trac. Also many many different detectors were tried as well. Needless to say all the easy stuff is pretty much gone and missed coins are few and far between. What's left is iffys and stuff out of the reach of current detector ability.
The iffys are great learning tools. When I get an iffy I feel is possibly a coin I'll spend a great deal of time testing different settings or different detectors. This site is loaded with rusty iron and I've dug many a coin in the same hole with iron. I've tried TTF and my results were all I did was recover more crap than normal. I believe this is due to the extreme depth of whats left. At 8-10" iron falses just the same in TTF as normal mode. I also found that Deep = on didn't help and neither did Fast = on. In fact I felt they just made target ID less reliable. Manual sensitivity was a hit and miss change. Some target sounded better in auto +3 and like crap in manual, and some that sounded good in manual sounded like crap in auto +3. I prefer auto +3 and the better stability.
I have found that, so far, nothing I've tested compares to the ability to convey good or bad target info like the E-Trac. I've tried many many detectors over the last 30+ years in this park and none have been able to tell me what the E-Trac can. Many of the detectors were able to see those deep coins, but none were able to convey the information back to me like the E-Trac. At this site the E-Trac is the detector all others are judged by. When testing a new detector I use the E-Trac to find one of those deep targets I feel is a coin and then see if the other detector(s) can hit it as well.