slingshot said:
Doesn't the Makro Racer use the DD coil?
Yes, the Makro Racer only has Double-D coils supplied for it at the present time. My most-used is the 4.[size=small]7[/size]X5.[size=small]2[/size] DD which I called the
'OOR' due to the out-of-round shape. I mostly search very densely-littered sites that abound in iron and the Racer w/
'OOR' coil works quite well. The primary credit goes to the detector's circuitry design and not the search coil type.
On my Nokta FORS CoRe [size=small](Coin & Relic)[/size] I keep its small
'OOR' coil mounted most of the time, again because I am mainly dealing with very littered conditions. When I switch coils to work more open areas with minimal targets that cause masking, my main-use detector is the Nokta FORS CoRe with the stock 7X11 DD mounted. Again, it is a comfortable detector and an exceptional performer.
When I head into Gold Nugget country, I will usually have my Nokta FORS Gold+ in-hand, then I have three options in search coils. Due to wintry weather I have only been able to use it before we got snow covered, and a little bit the last few days when I found some bare dirt and grass. I can, and will, also use the GOLD+ to work Relic Hunting sites where I will mount the round 5" DD coil for the trashier conditions. I do have a solid 5½X10 DD coil I plan to use more when I head south to enjoy some warmer and drier weather soon, but I keep mounted on there right now the 5½X10 Concentric solid search coil as I have found it to be working well for me in some coin and jewelry potential sites.
All three of my regular-carry Tesoro models keep their own 6" Concentric search coil mounted. The reason I have and use the search coils on the models mentioned is because I have found them to work quite well for me, to do the best job of providing ample coverage yet not being too prone to target masking, therefore providing me the best all-purpose performance for them and their circuitry design, all based upon ample in-the-field performance.
In this case this White's related discussion and my reply, it's also based upon facts known in the industry; facts I have learned and experienced over a good amount of time afield with the MXT 'series' of detectors; and specifically as search coil picks relate to the MX5. I like the MX5 and feel it is one of the better models White's has in their current line-up, and I put in a lot of field time with most White's factory search coils and after-market coils that ranged in size from 5" to 12" ... all being DD designs from the after-market coil makers.
How much do I like the MX5? Enough to probably add one back in my detector arsenal for a few occasional times I might use it and mainly to have as a loaner for folks who participate in our
'Welcome-to-Hunt Outings' but come ill prepared. I will fill that current void by trading off one or two brand new detectors I have for either the White's MX5 or a Teknetics Omega 8000, and if it is the MX5, the only coils I will have for it will be the 6½" and 9" spider Concentric coils from White's, simply because they are proven performers.