Daylight savings time (sucks
) means that the sun has pretty well set in these necks of the woods by 5 PM . The only place to hunt is in the woods. The sports fields are all frozen, unless you can chip out the shallow coins with a screwdriver. Hunting in the woods is scary in Edmonton in the dark, as we have ware-wolves, ghosts, vampires and big foot scouring in amongst the trees for a little blood. It's enough to make a grown man scream! 
I got the large cent right on a trail, about 1/2 inch deep. The AT Gold detector nearly jumped out of my hand when the coil went over the large cent!
Still no snow!

I got the large cent right on a trail, about 1/2 inch deep. The AT Gold detector nearly jumped out of my hand when the coil went over the large cent!

Still no snow!