Got about 300 coins so far this year metal detecting, but I am still waiting for my first ring of the year. I usually have at least one by now. I decided to make a coin ring for my wife and myself. I bought a 1955 & 1957 Canadian half dollar (silver) to make a nice coin ring for each of us. While I was at the coin show, there was a junk bin with old clad coins dating back to the 1800's, so I bought a bunch. I spent a couple evenings this past week drilling, hammering, annealing and polishing my creations. Not all turned out as planned. Some split, some had too much nickel in them and one hole was too far off centre.
Here are the coin rings all complete, including the rejects. Only the half dollar coins were silver. One was copper and the others were made up of compositions using copper and nickel. Too much nickel wears out some of my equipment, so I prefer not to use coins made with a high % of it.