Never thought I would have found a hole like this. Hit an 1888 house today and pulled my three oldest coins ever from one hole. Was searching the side yard along a field edge and hit a 12-46 at six inches. Was thinking quarter and at this old of a home was hoping barber. Cut the plug and saw a nice old token laying in the hole WRONG. pulled it out put on my glasses and looked a little closer and saw one cent on the back.Oh heck ya my first ever large cent!! Yelled at my son and told him to bring his twenty five year old eyes over here quick. Rescanned the hole and the pointer told me the ride was just starting, pulled two more large and a smaller misshaped copper out. Well when it was all said and done I had the 1794,1817 and 1826 Large cents Never hoped to enter the 1700 club in East central Iowa. Told Tyler that that was almost 100 years older than the site we were on. Snapped some photos and headed for home. Here is the part that makes it funny the small copper disc turns out to be a 1892 Indian that appears to have been beat flat with a hammer. Think it was maybe a deal where some kid was playing with a coin collection circa 1900 and lost them then. They are all in real nice shape and were at 5 to 7 inches. Don't know if that is how they got there or not and do not care just on top of the world to have found them.