No, its the 10" D2 by Whites. It usually VDI's on the high side which is fine with me because it gets you to dig targets that would normally show as trash on alot of coils, rightfully so, but at least you stumble across goodies once in awhile. For example, a twist off bottle cap VDI's around copper cent and beaver tails show higher as well, around +50 to +60 at times. I kinda miss knowing I was digging a cent or dime before I saw it but now the penny/dime signal is a false alarm quite often. It doesn't make me find less, in fact it makes me dig more holes.
The D2 is great for getting signals right up next to trash because it seperates really well. The narrow signal is VERY narrow so the trash can be just outside the signal while the good target is in the signal. The key to hunting in heavy trash is to work extremely slowly and only wiggle the coil for each target instead of sweeping a wide area. This way you can work 1 target at a time instead of hearing lots of non-relevant signals outside your attention area. By wiggle I mean about 2-3 inches side to side. And if your not already focusing on a target, the D2 can be swept VERY slowly compared to concentrics. I found that in trash my normal speed swing was too fast so I slowed it down to about 2-3 feet per second. Remember, with DD coils it is only detecting a very small strip under the coil so a normal speed swing makes targets go in one side and out the other side in a SNAP. A concentric coil has a wider signal so the same speed swing allows the same target to STAY in the signal for a much longer period of time. If you match up the 2 coil types and their signal shapes, the DD coil really needs to be swung about 1/4 of the speed of concentric coils because the DD coil has about 1/4 of the width (assuming your trying to keep targets inside the signal area for the same period of time).
I was just out detecting today and for whatever reason I backed up after digging a hole and rescanned about a couple feet I already detected and got a faint signal that was only showing up if I nearly stopped over it. If I swept normally it just nulled out and was silent. There was iron and trash well below 0 that was disc'd out so that was the 'nulling'. But if I nearly stopped and wiggled directly over the spot I got a nice solid signal. It was technically trash but still a target that needed dug, a metal pencil eraser sleeve. But that was a very difficult target considering so much trash and nulling so I'm not surprised the 950 coil had missed it in the past although it probably VDI'd right on with the 950 as it should in the mid +40's and I just cherry picked right on past it. I can really trust the VDI's from the 950, but it will miss a challenging target from time to time that a DD will sneak out of the ground.