What a great machine I have the cz3 and Tom always states that it is not intended for modern day hunting but it served me well till I bought the CZ70. What a machine. I spent most of my day on my knees. I was at a new school that is huge and it was filled with money. I have not even begun to hit the school. The 70 is great with multy tagets. I found more nickels then I did with the CZ3 and I could get real close to more then one target and read them. Very deep it reminded me of my DFX but it is a turn on and go not program for an hour. This machine really cleans up. This school was so new that I thought I would find a few coins but every place I went I found coins. I love this machine I am so glad I got it. <img src="/metal/html/shocked.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":shock"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> <img src="/metal/html/tongue.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":b"> <IMG SRC="/metal/html/fisher.jpg" BORDER=0 width=60 height=13 ALT="f~"> <img src="/metal/html/super.gif" border=0 width=26 height=28 alt=":super">