That reopens my old wounds. Sent mine in for the service, unaware of FT's policies and upgrades. Long story short was treated like the proverbial red-headed step child by their service manager. Spent 535 bucks on the upgrade/service. I do like the new front panel, but even before getting the unit back, I was told about the boss problems on the housings. I asked if they used specific torque values on the screws, met with silence.
Three times out with the rebuilt unit and it turned into a baby rattle. Didn't beat anyone with it or drop it or throw it or even bounce it on the bed. Now fool me once, FOAD period. So while I still use and enjoy my hybrid CZ20/21, it does have a screw loose/broken boss. An ever present reminder of the caliber of service I got from FT. When my CZ7 died last year, I sat on it for a while, opened it up and hit around some circuits but never contemplated sending it to FT service. Instead, I wound up ceremoniously tossing it in the trash.
I am in the market for another CZ5, loved that analog rig! I hope, I pray my F70 lasts forever. I'm even contemplating moving up to the next big thing from Fisher. I've been with Fisher rigs for 20 years and as the saying goes I didn't leave them, they left me. I'm also contemplating a CZ21 with the big coil.