because it cracked the LCD display. When I sent mine in to Fisher for repair, they sent it back to me saying all was fine. I turned the machine on and within 15 minutes, the discolorization was so bad that I couldn't even see the Icon.I called Fisher and asked if they replaced the display and was told by the tech that he check it and it was fine. I told him, it can't be fine when you can see glass chips floating around in the display screen. I then boxed it up and sent it back to them a second time which they then replaced the display and took care of the problem.
If I were you Sonny, I would give them a week then call and speak to the service tech about your machine and see what has been and what will be done to it. If they acted like its no big deal, which is what it sounds like they are doing to me then I wouldn't leave it up to them without pushing the issue. I did the first time, but the second time I pushed the issue and got the problem corrected. They did the same thing to me when i called, they acted like it was no big deal. They prefer not to have to replace a display if they can get out of it since they are quite expensive.But eventhough I had to ship it twice and push them a little, they were very nice and even fixed it under warranty, which it was clearly my fault for dropping the control box, which damaged the display.
Good luck, you'll need it,