Tvr stated it in his post. Run discrim at 0 and listen to the iron tones. CZ's do like iron, and lots of times the iron signal bleeds through when running higher than 0 and you get a high tone only ( or mid tone). You don't hear the low tone because of the discrim set higher than 0. And most times the signal is not repeatable.
Next time you are hunting and get a high tone nickle reading, switch the discrm to 0 and sweep again. If you hear any repeatable low tone from different sweep angles, or low/high tone bounces, there is a iron target somewhere. BUT...if the target is very deep, dig it. Lots of deep silver coins have been found by CZ users digging DEEP low/high tone bounces. Make sure you sweep slow from all angles.
When I first got my CZ6a, I dug more iron targets and nails then I can remember, but I was always running my discrim at 1 or 2. Then I realized one of the key tricks of using a CZ is to run discrim at 0 and listen to the iron, or if there is lots of iron around, and you want to run the discrim at 1 or 2, switch back to 0 when you get repeatable mid or high tone hits to make sure no low tone comes in.
Another point is the repeatabliity of the target. You should sweep from all angles and make sure you get repeatable hits and that the target is pin pointing at the same spot. Nails and elongated iron targets do not pin point in the same spot. Also, sizing the target using the pin point button works wonders, as iron and bigger targets size wide where coin size objects size small.
One more point...use the all metal option when in doubt. In all metal, certain 'ghost' signals do not sound off. If you keep getting these 'ghost' signals, you may also be running your sensitivity too high or you are not properly ground balanced. If you are running sensitivity in the 8-max range when in discriminate mode, you MUST sweep very slowly and check in all metal to make sure it's not a false signal. CZ's do not need to be maxed out sensitivity wise to perform great.