Same experience here with my CZ20 converted to CZ21. Very easy detector to learn, although with anything else, the more you use it, the more you pick up little tips on what to dig. Rarely if ever have to do much with ground balance moving from salt water to dry sand. CZ20/CZ21 hits really hard on silver and coins, good on gold (except thinner gold chains which most non-PI detectors have trouble with) - probably not as deep on gold as the Excalibur/Sovereign GT, but that depends on experience I think.
I'll say one thing too - since you're in the sand, don't skip past those really faint/deep signals, even if they sound like iron or especially if they bounce between the 3 tones. MANY times, after you take out the first scoop of sand and re-check the hole, the signal will lock on, and quite often it's NOT iron. At least often enough to be worth digging them since it's sand and easy to do.
I'm thinking of getting another CZ-20/21 for my wife so she can join me in the wet sand and shallow water.