After about a year of procrastination I bought my CZ-21 in June this year. As my wife would say, "LOVE IT." Been a great machine thus far with the anticipated learning curve of sounds but easy to operate.
I immediately went to the hip mount knowing that the CZ-21 was built like a brute for the water. With the hip mount, the 8" coil on factory shaft allows me to swing all day long as long as I alternate arms and adjust the hip mount left or right a little bit depending on which arm I use, and my direction of travel in surf based on the undertow. Yesterday, I spent 4.5 hours on dry sand as I waited for the tide to recede and 2.5 hours in the water. 36 clad coins, a ear ring and a junker ring. I just have to be cognizant of the wave action in relationship to the hip mounted unit. The unit tends to float around a bit in chest deep water with waves. As kaptainkosmic posted the chest mount idea and design is impressive and an option for some.
Or go to the long shaft idea the Buggaman7 posted. I would be interested to know where that long shaft was purchased to mount the CZ-21 like the Excalibur? Keep up the good work. occop