Heres a little 10k and a big silver in chest deep cold Lake Mich water. I'm gonna go out again today for a wedding ring, its a pretty good hike to the spot, but its supposed to be there. (right!)
My CZ 20 is going in for repairs/upgrade, but a very great detectorist who has taught me a lot has two, so he loaned me one until mine is fixed...Man, thats a real friend there, I dont like borrowing anything from anybody, but the season is too short to be without. I almost didn't dig the little ring, but hey, I did and glad for it as it was deep, I was just as surprised as it was when I saw it in the scoop! HH
My CZ 20 is going in for repairs/upgrade, but a very great detectorist who has taught me a lot has two, so he loaned me one until mine is fixed...Man, thats a real friend there, I dont like borrowing anything from anybody, but the season is too short to be without. I almost didn't dig the little ring, but hey, I did and glad for it as it was deep, I was just as surprised as it was when I saw it in the scoop! HH