Need a little help. I am in NW Missouri on the Missouri River bordering Kansas. No battles here but we did have a Union Fort over looking the river and Kansas to the west. I found these items along the banks of our parkway system that was built in a large creek bottom. In fact the water still runs under the street. This would have been a main waterway through the area. It is a mile and a half from the fort and there was a known camp about 2 blocks from this location. I have found a dozen or so of those 3 ringers and some CW Buttons along the parkway through the years. Just would like know if I am finding CW Items. I have been looking for deep coins and have found these In the process. If theses items are the real thing I will start to do a little more relic hunting. That one 3 ringer hit hard. I put a quarter in the photo for size reference.