I have been doing alot of detecting on the farm where I live. There are lots of circles in the lawn where I have been very careful to put the plug back in yet the grass within that plug died. Is there a way to keep this from happenning?
If I was granted permission to detect in someone elses lawn I sure would not want to leave a bunch of circles of dead grass. I'm sure if I did that I would never be allowed back.
Any ideas?
What I do I cut a plug about 3 inches round and about 4 inches deep and gently lift the whole plug out, move it in front of the coil to see if anything is in that plug, if not I set it aside and commence to dig more from where that plug came from.
When done I put back the dirt I dug out and try to smoosh it down as best I can then re-insert the plug. Often I have to step on the plug to get it back down to the same level as the ground.
Any ideas on how to do it better?
I just don't want a bunch of people mad at me. The word will get around town and that will be the end of it around here.
Good thing I am testing all this here first where I live.
If I was granted permission to detect in someone elses lawn I sure would not want to leave a bunch of circles of dead grass. I'm sure if I did that I would never be allowed back.
Any ideas?
What I do I cut a plug about 3 inches round and about 4 inches deep and gently lift the whole plug out, move it in front of the coil to see if anything is in that plug, if not I set it aside and commence to dig more from where that plug came from.
When done I put back the dirt I dug out and try to smoosh it down as best I can then re-insert the plug. Often I have to step on the plug to get it back down to the same level as the ground.
Any ideas on how to do it better?
I just don't want a bunch of people mad at me. The word will get around town and that will be the end of it around here.
Good thing I am testing all this here first where I live.