Brandon, I understand your frustrations with both the Repub's and Dem's.
Government has never done anything to actually help folks with their social programs. These programs create dependency on the government to do things for people that they ought and could do for themselves.
If a person has the IQ and desire to learn, willingness to increase their education, dedacation to working smart and hard, and desire to advance, he / she would be limited only by themselves as to creating wealth for themselves. It takes hard work, but it's worth it.
If a person does not have the IQ and desire to improve their life, there is not a government program available to change them from always being poor and dependent upon more government.
More government always means more taxes which hurts the economy, lessens investment in more businesses, increases unemployment.
IMHO, government needs to be restricted to national defense, protecting our borders, insuring transportation infrastructure, tough enforcement of Federal Law against all white and blue collar crimes, and offering social security retirement benefits to those that are not prepared to plan ahead for themselves. Anything else the major political parties want to do (promise) for us is B.S. and ought to be discounted / eliminated.
My personal observation is that the Repub's have shown a much better track record in what I believe is most important to our country.
All across the nation we are being attacked, beaten, and murdered by gangs of uneducated young people .... the majority of them "minorities" who have apparently not received enough governmental disposable income and tax cuts on taxes they aren't paying. Bet ya if they vote, they'll vote Dem too.