New member
got me this ctx3030 a few weeks ago .. found lots of clad but this is my first gold the rings came up 12-20 and 12-21 and the ear ring came up 12-09 .. got them at a soccer fiels "side lines" then got kicked out by some guy who did not have a sense of humor LOL .. the chinese coin i found at the beach with the excalibur in the water also a euro … then these five guys with 17" coils and long rods came down the beach side buy side covering the whole beach sweeping the whole beach in a hour took everything you could see them picking up scoop after scoop everything thank the water god i was in the water or they would of took me to… this was at 4am .. so went home to the soccer fields worked out ok i got 150.00 for the rings .. it made the first payment on the kids new macbook her old one took a dive and its her first year at college so whats another 1500.00 dad …..LOL