Yesterday I got into an area around an old school house that has an immense amount of coins but so far nothing significant.
To that point yesterday I had not been bothered with bottle caps and it seems to be just in one corner of the yard. I dug some
up and I began to remember some of the things from Andy's book and was trying to put everything together to avoid digging the
caps. It seemed to be that on the good hits where I would get a clean screen with bright red in bull's eye I was getting a coin.
At other times, there would be a blue square sneaking up around the 35 line and working it's way around that area from the same
Co line as the supposed coin. I would dig it and it would be screw cap. "no indication of a burst of yellow from around the red target."
THOSE OF YOU WITH THIS KIND OF PAST EXPERIENCE WITH THE CTX, do you have to have a clean screen with just the target
showing for it not to be a screw cap and not showing any blue indication around the 35 line. The bottle caps seemed not to bother me
as they would, when I got a good strong signal, show the burst of light yellow or brown colors. I actually dug one to see and it was a
"pressed" bottle cap just to satisfy my mind. I guess what my question should be is "is there a definite indication you see on the screen
to give a tell tale sign that it is a screw cap?"
***Coin Mode-Sandy soil covered with plush grass-machine sensitivity indicated 14 recommended and I ran 12-fast off then on-deep off
then on-Ferrous Coin-changed to ground coin and that would not work well at all****
That was how I had the machine set up but was better with fast on, deep on, in Ferrous Coin. Got a cleaner hit with a better target id in my opinoin.
Any help would be great of you experiences of what usually is a give away that you are looking at a screw cap.
To that point yesterday I had not been bothered with bottle caps and it seems to be just in one corner of the yard. I dug some
up and I began to remember some of the things from Andy's book and was trying to put everything together to avoid digging the
caps. It seemed to be that on the good hits where I would get a clean screen with bright red in bull's eye I was getting a coin.
At other times, there would be a blue square sneaking up around the 35 line and working it's way around that area from the same
Co line as the supposed coin. I would dig it and it would be screw cap. "no indication of a burst of yellow from around the red target."
THOSE OF YOU WITH THIS KIND OF PAST EXPERIENCE WITH THE CTX, do you have to have a clean screen with just the target
showing for it not to be a screw cap and not showing any blue indication around the 35 line. The bottle caps seemed not to bother me
as they would, when I got a good strong signal, show the burst of light yellow or brown colors. I actually dug one to see and it was a
"pressed" bottle cap just to satisfy my mind. I guess what my question should be is "is there a definite indication you see on the screen
to give a tell tale sign that it is a screw cap?"
***Coin Mode-Sandy soil covered with plush grass-machine sensitivity indicated 14 recommended and I ran 12-fast off then on-deep off
then on-Ferrous Coin-changed to ground coin and that would not work well at all****
That was how I had the machine set up but was better with fast on, deep on, in Ferrous Coin. Got a cleaner hit with a better target id in my opinoin.
Any help would be great of you experiences of what usually is a give away that you are looking at a screw cap.