Went to a spot this morning where an old house had been burned. I'd had some luck here in the past with the etrac. When using the etrac I ventured into the extreme front area where the house once stood and didn't do too good-lots of iron. This morning I ventured back to this area with the CTX and got 2 signals. One was a 12-43, the other a 15-41. If you would have just went by how long the tone maintained a high tone during a slow sweep, not real slow, you would have thought can. In pinpoint the targets looked like cans (size). The tone was good but seemed a bit scratchy and seemed to hit consistently in same spot. I've had iron falses sound similar on etrac Anyway, one target turned out to be a wheat penny at 3 inches the other looked like a knob of some sort like off of a baby bed at 5 inches. After retrieval I checked both holes in open screen and got 32-41/42and also pinpointed again-whew big iron. I was running ferrous coin, fast on settings in auto sensivity with ferrous 26 and higher disc out.