I hunted the area yesterday where I found the 1/4 portion of 8 reale coin earlier this week. Didn't find nothing but a mule harness brad and one button. This morning I went to the extreme other end of the field and give it a go. Machine settings 28 manual, ferrous coin, deep off, fast off, combine mode, long tone. I dug 1 copper button, another bridle or harness brad. I was cruising along swinging pretty fast when I seemed to hit an iron patch. The CTX was falsing slightly so I slowed down without adjusting my settings. About 2 minutes of walking around in circles in this iron patch I get a high broken tone that is repetitive with 12-42/43 flashing in the screen, turned 90 degrees nothing. I actually thought it was falsing as I've dug some deep large iron in this area. I went to auto sensivity and received no high tone but did get the iron grunt. I pinpointed and the screen had a mess on it. Sometimes it would read 11 inches and sometimes it would say 6 with splash marks. Next I went back to manual and backed it off to 26 and could still hear the high boken tone but lower than it was at 28. I went back to 28 manual sensivity and turned on fast recovery. With a real slow sweep the tone was not as broken as before but the audio quality was not improved. So I started digging. At about the 6 inch mark I find 2 nails medium sized. Grabbed the CTX and stood up and scanned the hole. Now I was getting a screamer, a four way screamer with the screen saying 10 inches. So I continued to dig every couple inches sticking the pinpointer in the hole and nothing on it until I get to the length of my garrett pimpointer deep plus about 1 inch deep. It seemed to be bigger than coin, or at least bigger than I was used to pinpointing with the garrett. Now I started to dig real slow and eventually wiped the dirt back and seen what I thought was the bottom of an aluminum can, starting to get disgusted now, took the shovel and took out one more load of dirt and walla an 1889 silver dollar at a depth of approzimately 12.5 inches. Go figure, I seem to find my best finds coin wise when I'm relic hunting versus coin hunting. I'm really lovin my CTX.