Every time I take this machine out it never ceases to amaze me. I met-up with my buddy Jon again today at the park, and we started off in a section that's been producing. After an hour or so of clad, trash, and a few Wheats, we started following a path that I had pounded for weeks prior with the ETRAC. It had stopped producing a long time ago. Soon as I told Jon how the area we were in was good, I hit a sweet silver tone and dug a busted silver ring with a .925 stamped inside the band.

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We started to move further down the path, and I did what I had done before with my ETRAC, and swing over the edge of the path out about 2-3 feet, and then I hit an iffy signal with great tone right up against the concrete path. After wiggling the coil a few times over the target I noticed the all-too-common "thunk" noise of a coin on edge, and the numbers would bounce between 12-41, to 12-43/44, so I dug it. Down about 4" and laying straight up and down next to the concrete was this 1960-D Rosie, and my second silver on the day.

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We had been hunting for a few hours now, and Jon was finished. We said our goodbyes, and I kept down the path towards a section of park I had never hit before. My barber told me that during the '50s he and his friends would park their cars on the grass there and wash them. 10 minutes into this triangle of grass I hit a beautiful 12-44 dime signal clean and clear at 3-4". I had told myself to dig everything 5" and deeper today, but it sounded too good to pass on, and a dime is a dime right? Soon as I saw the edge of silver I was shocked, and then I saw how much rust was on this Merc. It was covered in it! Inside the plug were rusty nails, but the CTX locked onto the Merc and screamed a perfect tone, along with a solid 12-44 Fe-Co number. I had Bill S's "trashy park" pattern running, that I had opened almost all of the Fe-12 line, and was using Auto sens +3 in Ferrous Coin w/Combined. This pattern and set-up (most of Gonehuntings settings with added discrimination) have been killer this weekend. Thanks to both of those two gentleman. So here's the rusty Mercury dime:

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Excited that I had found my 3rd silver of the day I had made a rookie mistake of filling in the plug BEFORE re-scanning it, so when I stood up and swung over the now closed hole, I heard more of that sweet high tone, along with a strong 12-44 signal again. I thought "Did I really miss a merc in that plug?!", and re-dug the hole. To my surprise once again I found a clump of Mercury dimes encrusted in rust! They were all stuck together, with a 1938 Wheat at one end. Two 1944's, and a 1923, along with rust from the nails that were inside the plug. I'm still amazed as I type this at how this machine locked onto those targets and ignored the iron, meaning it didn't null-out on me and cloak the targets. Imagine how this machine will be when and if they make a 6x8 SEF coil for it?!

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This has been an amazing weekend for finds for me. 6 silver day, and a Large Cent. Both firsts. Then my first gold ring that I was able to return within 3 hours of finding it. Another first. Today, 5 silvers and a clumped partial roll of silver dimes, again another first. Below is the video of todays digs. Thanks for checking this thread out. -Fin

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We started to move further down the path, and I did what I had done before with my ETRAC, and swing over the edge of the path out about 2-3 feet, and then I hit an iffy signal with great tone right up against the concrete path. After wiggling the coil a few times over the target I noticed the all-too-common "thunk" noise of a coin on edge, and the numbers would bounce between 12-41, to 12-43/44, so I dug it. Down about 4" and laying straight up and down next to the concrete was this 1960-D Rosie, and my second silver on the day.

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We had been hunting for a few hours now, and Jon was finished. We said our goodbyes, and I kept down the path towards a section of park I had never hit before. My barber told me that during the '50s he and his friends would park their cars on the grass there and wash them. 10 minutes into this triangle of grass I hit a beautiful 12-44 dime signal clean and clear at 3-4". I had told myself to dig everything 5" and deeper today, but it sounded too good to pass on, and a dime is a dime right? Soon as I saw the edge of silver I was shocked, and then I saw how much rust was on this Merc. It was covered in it! Inside the plug were rusty nails, but the CTX locked onto the Merc and screamed a perfect tone, along with a solid 12-44 Fe-Co number. I had Bill S's "trashy park" pattern running, that I had opened almost all of the Fe-12 line, and was using Auto sens +3 in Ferrous Coin w/Combined. This pattern and set-up (most of Gonehuntings settings with added discrimination) have been killer this weekend. Thanks to both of those two gentleman. So here's the rusty Mercury dime:

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Excited that I had found my 3rd silver of the day I had made a rookie mistake of filling in the plug BEFORE re-scanning it, so when I stood up and swung over the now closed hole, I heard more of that sweet high tone, along with a strong 12-44 signal again. I thought "Did I really miss a merc in that plug?!", and re-dug the hole. To my surprise once again I found a clump of Mercury dimes encrusted in rust! They were all stuck together, with a 1938 Wheat at one end. Two 1944's, and a 1923, along with rust from the nails that were inside the plug. I'm still amazed as I type this at how this machine locked onto those targets and ignored the iron, meaning it didn't null-out on me and cloak the targets. Imagine how this machine will be when and if they make a 6x8 SEF coil for it?!

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This has been an amazing weekend for finds for me. 6 silver day, and a Large Cent. Both firsts. Then my first gold ring that I was able to return within 3 hours of finding it. Another first. Today, 5 silvers and a clumped partial roll of silver dimes, again another first. Below is the video of todays digs. Thanks for checking this thread out. -Fin