I hunt in the Gulf, so I don't experience surf like the bigger bodies of water and I'm just learning this machine. Here is what I am experiencing..... I get to the water turn on the machine, ensure it is in beach mode and saltwater checked/enabled... enter the water and the machine is chatty with falses.... allow it to stabilize temperature wise which takes a few minutes... Now with calm rollers coming in I experience falsing as I go out further, and the machine stabilizes it starts to steady out and I can use it with occasional falsing. IF a wave covers the display it falses, when the wave passes and the display is now uncovered, it falses. IF I go deeper and keep the display under water, NO PROBLEM, the machine runs fine. I've worked out in 7' of water with the machine (snorkelling) and it works great.... then as I go shallow again and the display gets exposed, she starts the falsing again.... Out in the water I run Auto +3 as I get shallow and it starts falsing, I drop it down to Auto to minimize the falses but it is still chatty.... any suggestions or tips? Something I may be doing wrong? Other than this problem (which could be operator error) I'm loving the machine. I've had it underwater well over 30 hours now, no leakage experienced but have seen sand at the seal outside edge (as expected) not on the sealing surface (which would cause leakage). Still lots to learn on this machine but I have lots of time....