good post. Re.: people's claims of "leaks": I really wouldn't worry about it, unless someone's going to go scuba or snorkel type detecting. In THOSE cases, then yes, the supposed leak rumor could be something to worry about. But for the 99% of guys who got the 3030 for the wet ebbing surf or wading (or hunting in the rain during beach erosion storms, and for occasional waps by waves), then these would be plenty sufficient. A lot of guys don't intend to go necessarily *under-water*, but get tired of having to wrap their machine in plastic for hunting in the beach storms/rains/wave-slaps. So to have something that is merely water RESISTANT, would be a welcome day.
I have sent in my explorer 2 times now for repairs, simply because it took a dunk during a wave hit, or when I'd fallen down in the surf. Water finds it's way around the plastic and black tape, doh ! In each case, I never needed something capable of scuba depths. Only needed something that could repel quick hits like that. Although I haven't bought the 3030 yet, the thought crossed my mind that if the price came down enough on used ones, it would be a good beach machine for that purpose/reason alone.
I suspect that a lot of guys go out and buy any new toy that comes out. And so when they show up on the used market a year later, it's not necessarily a sign that they're no good.