Ok guys i went detecting yesterday at school behind my house, this place was pounded over the years i mean really pounded, there's been numerous detectors over this field even club hunts.
Iv'e been over this field with the etrac and other detectors i did find silver but it stopped producing so i stopped detecting there we would try and try and nothing no good target "silver or wheat's" just clad so
i'v had the ctx 3030 for a while and thought lets give it a try at this school field i went to the same spot where i detected with other machine's and. WOW is all i can say i was so pleased i was going to go home and get a head lamp so i could still detect because it was getting dark. I got there a little late, but right off the bat i pulled a wheat at 9 inches and i mean a true 9 inches and i pulled a total of 6 wheats all in the range of 7-9 inches even hitting the 10 inch mark at one point and i also pulled a merc at 7-8 inches and this is all within an hour or so i now some will say these coins where probably missed but no this machine is amazing all coins had iron all around them i get more and more impressed every time i go out with the ctx 3030 and im telling you if theres a coin with trash the ctx 3030 will NOT miss it, you will no if there's a coin with iron just trust the machine. I was using combined with ferrous coin///i also switched to high trash with 50 tone co but at the depth i was finding these coins the VDI numbers where bouncing''''' but in combined with ferrous the VDI's where stable. Happy hunting to alll
CTX 3030
Whites m6
Pro pointer
Ulster County NY
Youtube Channel
Iv'e been over this field with the etrac and other detectors i did find silver but it stopped producing so i stopped detecting there we would try and try and nothing no good target "silver or wheat's" just clad so
i'v had the ctx 3030 for a while and thought lets give it a try at this school field i went to the same spot where i detected with other machine's and. WOW is all i can say i was so pleased i was going to go home and get a head lamp so i could still detect because it was getting dark. I got there a little late, but right off the bat i pulled a wheat at 9 inches and i mean a true 9 inches and i pulled a total of 6 wheats all in the range of 7-9 inches even hitting the 10 inch mark at one point and i also pulled a merc at 7-8 inches and this is all within an hour or so i now some will say these coins where probably missed but no this machine is amazing all coins had iron all around them i get more and more impressed every time i go out with the ctx 3030 and im telling you if theres a coin with trash the ctx 3030 will NOT miss it, you will no if there's a coin with iron just trust the machine. I was using combined with ferrous coin///i also switched to high trash with 50 tone co but at the depth i was finding these coins the VDI numbers where bouncing''''' but in combined with ferrous the VDI's where stable. Happy hunting to alll

Pro pointer
Ulster County NY
Youtube Channel