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Minelab CTX3030 beach hunting presets:
1. Rocky Areas on the Beach and water
- Pattern 1
- Pattern 2 in cross reference with Pattern 1 for checking
- Target Trace
- Target Separation Low Trash or High Trash
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast ON
- Seawater ON on lower parts of beach
- Sensitivity manual
- In water try dig only low and high tones
2. Rough Surf Hunting
- Recover Deep OFF
- Seawater ON
- Target Separation – Low Trash
- Volume Gain – few numbers down to cut false signals
- Sensitivity Auto
3. Deep Water Hunting
- Pattern 2
- Seawater ON
- Sensitivity Manual to MAX or AUTO +3 (rolling surf) until threshold becomes unstable
- Volume Gain 24 for flat surf Volume MAX
- Recovery Deep ON
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Target Separation – Low Trash
4. Shallow Water
- Seawater ON
- Sensitivity AUTO or manual to first unstable at fully submerged section try to wait few minutes to stabilize temperatures
- Volume Gain 22-24
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Target Separation – High Trash
5. Eroded Beaches
- Pattern 1
- Sensitivity Manual try to crank up to maximum
- Target Separation – High Trash
- Volume Gain 24
- Recovery Deep OFF
6. Wet Sanding
Hard packed sand
- Seawater ON
- Pattern 2 or Relic Search Mode
- Sensitivity Manual
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – choose to conditions
Soft sand
- Pattern 2
- Sensitivity Manual or Auto +3
- Recovery Fast ON or OFF (dependent on the amount of targets)
- Recovery Deep ON (for soft sand on lower beach)
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – choose to conditions
7. Dry Sanding
- Pattern 1
- Target Separation – High Trash
- Recovery Fast ON
- Recovery Deep OFF
8. Shipwreck Beaches
- Pattern 2
- Sensitivity Manual
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – Low Trash or High Trash – conditions
- Volume Gain 24
- 4 CO Tones
- Target Trace ON
9. Tourist Beaches
- Pattern 1
- Sensitivity Manual or Auto
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast ON
- Target Separation – High Trash
- 4 CO Tones
- Target Trace
1. Rocky Areas on the Beach and water
- Pattern 1
- Pattern 2 in cross reference with Pattern 1 for checking
- Target Trace
- Target Separation Low Trash or High Trash
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast ON
- Seawater ON on lower parts of beach
- Sensitivity manual
- In water try dig only low and high tones
2. Rough Surf Hunting
- Recover Deep OFF
- Seawater ON
- Target Separation – Low Trash
- Volume Gain – few numbers down to cut false signals
- Sensitivity Auto
3. Deep Water Hunting
- Pattern 2
- Seawater ON
- Sensitivity Manual to MAX or AUTO +3 (rolling surf) until threshold becomes unstable
- Volume Gain 24 for flat surf Volume MAX
- Recovery Deep ON
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Target Separation – Low Trash
4. Shallow Water
- Seawater ON
- Sensitivity AUTO or manual to first unstable at fully submerged section try to wait few minutes to stabilize temperatures
- Volume Gain 22-24
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Target Separation – High Trash
5. Eroded Beaches
- Pattern 1
- Sensitivity Manual try to crank up to maximum
- Target Separation – High Trash
- Volume Gain 24
- Recovery Deep OFF
6. Wet Sanding
Hard packed sand
- Seawater ON
- Pattern 2 or Relic Search Mode
- Sensitivity Manual
- Recovery Fast OFF
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – choose to conditions
Soft sand
- Pattern 2
- Sensitivity Manual or Auto +3
- Recovery Fast ON or OFF (dependent on the amount of targets)
- Recovery Deep ON (for soft sand on lower beach)
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – choose to conditions
7. Dry Sanding
- Pattern 1
- Target Separation – High Trash
- Recovery Fast ON
- Recovery Deep OFF
8. Shipwreck Beaches
- Pattern 2
- Sensitivity Manual
- Recovery Deep ON
- Target Separation – Low Trash or High Trash – conditions
- Volume Gain 24
- 4 CO Tones
- Target Trace ON
9. Tourist Beaches
- Pattern 1
- Sensitivity Manual or Auto
- Recovery Deep OFF
- Recovery Fast ON
- Target Separation – High Trash
- 4 CO Tones
- Target Trace