Vernon in Virginia~Formerly Alaska
New member
[size=large] I've been adding more relics to the relic display case. Today I installed a light. The camera enhances the glare, its really not that bad. I have a few more relics to put in it to fill it up. This will be my general Civil War relic box. Later I will make display boxes for belt plates, gilded buttons, etc. When this display is finished, it will sit on its own oak shelf against the wall in the hallway. It will have belt plates on either side of it, and other larger Civil War relics will be grouped with it. I need to dig a couple of canon balls. Thinking about doing crossed Union and Confederate flags behind it... say, 2' x 3' flags. Anyway, when its all done I'll take another photo.
[attachment 94085 relicbox.jpg]
[attachment 94085 relicbox.jpg]