For some reason, myth, legend, lure of old silver coins, Atocha gold, whatever it is... Mostly ALL lone wolf new comers to our sport THINK they need to DIG a hole to retrieve a if a guy was hunting in the woods or a plowed field, OK...but in ANY public park or Lord forbid, an active sports field...99.99 percent of the targets can get grabbed with nothing more than a screwdriver...definitely the signs of a noob when a guy comes across a plug the size of a garbage can lid for a 2" deep zinc penny, and missed it at that...

I was lucky enough to run into an old timer on one of my very first outings afield who showed me the screwdriver trick and got me started off right, or I woulda been out there myself with a D handle tiling spade, a wheelbarrow for the finds, and a miners pick! .

..One good thing I guess, these noobs will get tired pretty fast with poor results digging a big hole for a clad dime or shallow penny...bad thing is theres a new crop of them every year, and for some reason, they believe thats the only way to recover a target? Where did they get this notion? Do they think theres massive amounts of old silver coins all over the place in public settings? Who led them to believe this? I doubt theres anything official we can do about this conundrum except stay as fast and invisible as possible so as not to incur the wrath of the groundskeepers..all the detector mfgs never jump up and get involved in this issue as far as I can see, and nor will any of the, they will sell a noob a rig and the very next thing a lesche.. then of course upsell the 'mark' a pinpointer too...(we've all been the mark once right?) OK, so a few of them will put some bullcrap "ethics" list together in fine print and toss it into the owners manual...
I know this is a tough subject, the right way to dig a plug and all that...but theres plenty of members here that never carry anything except a screwdriver and rack up over 10k coins per year....I'm sure if a guy thinks back, most of us were pretty dumb about this in one form or another and either learned through experience, or got discouraged and dropped out....if you are reading this, you learned!
Note: if you are accidentally seen by anybody while detecting a public area, (which should never happen under any circumstances) they should dismiss you as a yard boy with an electric weedwacker, and are either palsied in the knees, or genuflecting every so dress and act accordingly, and you should have no trouble...
