Someone on another forum said the criminal law committee failed us and lied because the bill passed there with a 20 to zip vote. I don't agree.
Clearly there was a lot of resistance within the committee itself or they never would have gutted the bill. This happened only because Plum etc. were sure their bill would die in committee if they did not change it. And I expect there was a negotiation process where Plum etc. said well what if we just take these two section out. In the end they had to gut the bill just to get it out of committee.
So the group who really fixed this bill for us is the Criminal Law committee.
We should all email to thank them for their efforts. We should be grateful they helped us get it done. If anyone deserves the credit they do.
After you write a paragraph thanking them don't forget to ask them to vote against the bill when it comes up for a vote. This group is a good one to ask to vote against the bill. After all they kept it in committee and gutted it and I am sure they would like to put it to bed now.
Joe Wolfe.
Say thanks and vote NO. Joe Wolfe
Del_McDonnell@house.state.va.us, Del_Albo@house.state.va.us, Del_Griffith@house.state.va.us, Del_Kilgore@house.state.va.us, Del_McQuigg@house.state.va.us, Del_Black@house.state.va.us, Del_Weatherholtz@house.state.va.us, Del_Hurt@house.state.va.us, Del_Athey@house.state.va.us, Del_Janis@house.state.va.us, Del_Bell@house.state.va.us, Del_Marrs@house.state.va.us, Del_McDougle@house.state.va.us, Del_Reese@house.state.va.us, Del_Johnson@house.state.va.us, Del_Melvin@house.state.va.us, Del_Armstrong@house.state.va.us, Del_Moran@house.state.va.us, Del_Barlow@house.state.va.us, Del_Watts@house.state.va.us, Del_Brink@house.state.va.us
Clearly there was a lot of resistance within the committee itself or they never would have gutted the bill. This happened only because Plum etc. were sure their bill would die in committee if they did not change it. And I expect there was a negotiation process where Plum etc. said well what if we just take these two section out. In the end they had to gut the bill just to get it out of committee.
So the group who really fixed this bill for us is the Criminal Law committee.
We should all email to thank them for their efforts. We should be grateful they helped us get it done. If anyone deserves the credit they do.
After you write a paragraph thanking them don't forget to ask them to vote against the bill when it comes up for a vote. This group is a good one to ask to vote against the bill. After all they kept it in committee and gutted it and I am sure they would like to put it to bed now.
Joe Wolfe.
Say thanks and vote NO. Joe Wolfe
Del_McDonnell@house.state.va.us, Del_Albo@house.state.va.us, Del_Griffith@house.state.va.us, Del_Kilgore@house.state.va.us, Del_McQuigg@house.state.va.us, Del_Black@house.state.va.us, Del_Weatherholtz@house.state.va.us, Del_Hurt@house.state.va.us, Del_Athey@house.state.va.us, Del_Janis@house.state.va.us, Del_Bell@house.state.va.us, Del_Marrs@house.state.va.us, Del_McDougle@house.state.va.us, Del_Reese@house.state.va.us, Del_Johnson@house.state.va.us, Del_Melvin@house.state.va.us, Del_Armstrong@house.state.va.us, Del_Moran@house.state.va.us, Del_Barlow@house.state.va.us, Del_Watts@house.state.va.us, Del_Brink@house.state.va.us