Buried Crap NJ
New member
I had an aah haa moment last night. I hunt mostly the beach and I have drifted into the dirt again since getting the 3030 back in May. I was researching an old trail that appears aroun 1961 and is gone in 1964 or so, it runs right accross the park, looks to be like the ice cream truck park at the to ends?They both stop at the roadway and have larger dirt area's. I am using histroric aerials and I am plotting it out, in feet and drawing away and I notice the Lat. Long. button. All of it hit me at onece I can just get the lat longs and use myhand held GPS and search. This next part only took 5 seconds to come to me. Or you dummy you can use the CTX 3030's GPS instead! Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have really only turnned in on to or threee times.