beautiful weather today and had to go to a town about 40 miles from me so took the at pro, when i got there i googled parks and several came up, the first one i went to was punny and full of people, the second one was in a real old looking neighborhood and was a big field with just a tot lot that looked antique, hit the tot lot first and its like if someone saw me coming and emptied several rolls of pennies, they were everywhere, found nothing else there, so then went to a BIG. oak tree close by and there was iron everywhere, i had the wrong coil, had the stock one, but still manage to pull out some clad and a couple of wheats, they were about 8 inc deep and rang up a 85-86 i was hoping siver but couldn't believe when i saw them, i got a faint high tone but no display and ended up being a quarter, it was way down there deeper than the pennies, have to try that one when i have more time, ended up with 1.25 in clad but had fun and found a park with potential

some kind of pin, i guess, it rang in the 70s, any suggestions

and this is the weird thing, its a 556 shell cut to fit that plastic piece, my buddy says its a crack pipe what u guys think

some kind of pin, i guess, it rang in the 70s, any suggestions

and this is the weird thing, its a 556 shell cut to fit that plastic piece, my buddy says its a crack pipe what u guys think