We had a 45 degree day yesterday, but rainy. Today it was not raining but colder, about 32 degrees when I went out. The ground was not frozen, though. There was a steady 15-20 mph wind blowing with gusts to 30 mph. I went to a park area where I found a 2-cent coin and several Indians last fall. This small park (only maybe one acre) is next to what used to be a major streetcar stop, which may explain all the Indians. Got these two Indians today, 1892 and 1907. Only did a little cleaning so far, but they should come out pretty good. I had a light pair of gloves on, which were not enough, and I had to quit after about one hour because my fingertips were getting numb. I've never had that problem before with these gloves, but the wind was the culprit. Only other finds were four screw caps, a nickel, and a Canadian penny (1979). Still haven't found any silver at this location, but will try again.