I do like the Cortes. Other machines I have owned and used include Minelab Etrac, Explorer II and Explorer SE, Sovereign Elite and Musketeer Advantage, Fisher F75, Coinstrike and ID Excel, Teknetics T2, White's Eagle II and XLT, and a couple of Bounty Hunters, though that's a secret I wouldn't want the neighbors to know!
So I have some basis for comparisons though with the other manufacturer's machines and not with Tesoro as this is my first. All of the machines I've tried had their good and not so good points, and the Cortes is no exception, though with the Cortes they are mostly quibbles and nice to haves rather than serious drawbacks. Frankly it's kind of nice that all your controls are knobs you can adjust instead of cycling through some menuing system. I'm not intimidated by menuing systems, and I'm fine with using them say in Word, however I don't want my detector like that. I don't care to have to go 3 levels deep to do a common thing like rebalance the ground on the machine, I'm sorry that's a poor design and a waste of my time in the field. Tesoro got a lot right when they designed this.
I've been told it's "old technology", well just about ALL detecting technology is old to be honest, show me what's TRULY new these days? It's just more lipstick on the pig, so to speak, and different colors. They are all VLF machines like we've had since the early 80s, with the exception of a few multi-frequency machines which we've had since the late 90s. I have yet to see a production PI machine that's available and practical so if it exists please correct me. Seriously it's all a bit of a new take on the same old stuff, because the same old stuff works, and because we can't vastly improve it and keep it affordable at the present time. Even the F75 which is touted as being tecnologically advanced, it's still VLF technology with a really fast microprocessor which gives it that great speed. Very good detector, and well done job there, but is it some new alien technology we got because they can abduct some of us? Nope, just a good design using newer faster parts, built pretty much the same way everyone else is doing it. (Please note I'm not trying to detract anything here, I'm just saying there really isn't a whole lot of truly new technology in this field now). So I don't see this as a valid argument, hey there are guys who are still using BFO detectors out there (I pity them, but....) and finding stuff, they know that machine inside and out (and they should after 40 years of using it) and this lets them make decent finds with a machine most of us would want to wrap around the nearest tree.
Some also claim it's overpriced, well honestly the market determines what is overpriced an what isn't. If Tesoro is charging too much, hey there's a LOT of competition out there. The fact they are priced as they are, pretty much proves that it's priced as it should be priced. The F75 is a grand, White's Vision is 1200 and Etrac is 1500 and not a one of those have the lifetime warranty though for those prices, maybe they should?
Sorry if this is long winded as a reply, I know some bash the Cortes but I've tried it's competitors, and I think it's a fine machine, I think they are ALL fine machines in their own way, this one just happens to be my personal choice of machine. I'm replying to the arguments I've heard against the Cortes, and they are just really personal opinion arguments rather than facts just as these are my own personal opinions though I am backing them with facts where I can here.