To wind down this anniversary year for Charles Garrett, I am going to give away one more 1964 Kennedy Half Coinring. It's a size 11, hammered, burred and polished to a high luster. The rules are as follows:
Pick a number between 1 and 250. Post it on the subject line so I don't have to open each entry. You can only post once. You must also post your oldest coin found with a Garrett THIS YEAR.
EXAMPLE---- 10, oldest coin 1905 wheatie
You may only post once. In case of tie, low beats a high. Contest closes Wednesday, Dec. 8th at my bedtime. I don't know the number, as I asked my 16 year old son to pick it. It's under my computer tower at the moment. Good luck to all and thanks for entering <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
Pick a number between 1 and 250. Post it on the subject line so I don't have to open each entry. You can only post once. You must also post your oldest coin found with a Garrett THIS YEAR.
EXAMPLE---- 10, oldest coin 1905 wheatie
You may only post once. In case of tie, low beats a high. Contest closes Wednesday, Dec. 8th at my bedtime. I don't know the number, as I asked my 16 year old son to pick it. It's under my computer tower at the moment. Good luck to all and thanks for entering <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="