Thanks to JB i was able to get the groundbalance just right . I did not have to turn it very much to make a big diffrence now in all metal the 4.5" dime in my test garden is coming thru whith a very digable signal i would say more clarity and a bit better depth but nothing astrinomical played around whith the tone adjust pot as well thanks for all the help now when i bob the coil up and down it is silent both ways well cant wiat to get back out was at the soccer feilds and found 75 cents in clad a few pins and some junk but even with the 3x 18 thear is a lot of ground to cover 80 % of my coins whear in the ground long enuff to be black its been dry and the grass was so stunted in growth that you could have seen a penny a mile away should have went to my trash spot but im shure a ring is hiding in the feild somewhear