Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
Went to a sand lot whith my frend the compadre. Figured it was hunted out - put it in all metal befor i quite i dug 94 items 17 of them wher paper clips 6 bobypins 4 nails 14 coins and 10 aluminum rivits and other miscilaniuse metal things i feel good because i cleaned that sand lot , no kids will be getting poked whith rusty nails and wires i was going to quite and said to myself if i dont find one cladd coin in the next 5 minutes im leaving just then i dug a nickle so i felt i was to keep hunting this sand is grity stuff and full of iron when i put my magnet to it the magnet loads up whith a ball of black sand and small stones but dispite this the compadre found a cladd dime at 4" down one of the last things i found was a sterling silver ST. CHRISTOPHER madalion which was a comfort to me seing im going to be travling up to the iron range in september he is the patron saint of travlers so really 1.06% of what i found was good jewelry 85% was common junk