Not every day is a "silver day" bro. I have gone out many times and not found silver. I still believe there are some good quality coins hiding on that farm of yours. Now that Winter has dug in, maybe it is time to re-think a different strategy for the coming year. See if you can find more maps of your area. Also, now that the leaves are off the trees, this is a good time of the year to go "woods walking". Now you can see stone walls, possibly old cellar holes, strange clearings / or small(er) diameter trees which may indicate cleared land / old homesteads etc etc. How about that property to the South of you? Didn't you say there was an old shack of sorts? This would be a good time to take a hike and scout out the area for next year. With foliage gone, maybe you can discover other structures that were nearby....You have a lot of land to cover as well several of your neighbors to scout out. Keep the faith bro. Don't forget you have made some incredible finds on your large parcel over the years - seated dime, IH cents, barber quarter etc. There is more there grasshopper. Try some places that would be the LAST place on your mind. That is how I made some nice finds this past year. Instead of constantly hunting the same general areas, I took to the woods and scoured the forest over logs, through the brush, under trees, off-the-beaten-path etc. = some nice old silver coins, a couple of rings, and many wheat cents. Go with your gut and start scanning the woods like a bloodhound. - Jimmy