Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
I just finished doing a test whith two small gold rings one is 1/16" x 3/4 " and the other white they dont get any smaller i started out in the compadre,s all metal and was getting a soft and good signall at 5" now as i turned the disc knob up to the O in iron it was breaking up and between iron and foil it was gone Now at 4" deep i again lost the signal beteen foil and iron but if i set it back to IR in iron it would come in good Now at 3'' deep i got a good signal between iron and foil but when i moved it up to the F in foil it was gone and at 2" i lost the signal at the F in foil So my conclusion if you want to find gold rings whith the compadre your disc should be no more than just past the iron setting and if you are at the F in foil you will lose those small gold rings i find no difrence in depth between the compadre and my old m-6 whith the 3x 6 shooter coil more test later swing on