Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
After visiting grandma at the nursing home , i got out to brown park in cambridge MN it has a small woodchip playground . found a coin spill under the climing latter whear they hang upside down ( NOTIBLE FIND OF THE DAY WAS ) 3 dimes right under a metal step whith less than 6" of clearance whith the compadre you can get very close to metal poles and even under metal steps yes they will beep but i always get an eratic beep when coins are present after that i sent to the ball feild and searched along the fence line and found some good cladd found a buried cable that could have fried me if i cut it but i could tell it was a cable againg i was finding coins whithing 3" of a metal fence its geting cold up hear now 48 f hunting will soon end for the year unless i go down to gulf shores alabama