The ground refuses to thaw here in Virginia but I was able to take my Vaquero and new Compadre on a few quick hunts. It has been as much as a hunt for a soft enough spot to dig as a metal hunt.I found a few small things with the Compadre in a trashy area that I had missed with the V .Found what I thought was a rare thing ,a large caliper Shell caseing that was rim fire instead of center fire like modern large hand guns. Also found a oxen or steer shoe. I had only seen one before and it was a gift to me from a family member.Old toy cap gun was a thrill to find also.The single tree bracket is the first one I have found that still has the hook on it.Small pocket knife was a very quick loud signal at about 4 in.The silver looking thing to the left of the car is the lid and top or a tube of something.Hopefully not hemroid cream or something like that.It still had a thick white cream in it even after at least 60 years.Amazing what you might find.