In reading some older post, and more recent post I am led to believe that there was a version of the Compadre that was the same as the Amigo 2, and then along came a "newer" version of the Compadre. The first Compadre would not have been low noise/high gain and the newer version would have been low noise/high gain. The discussion and pics awhile back on the Mod Forum brought out that there were older and newer boards in the Compadres,not alike, and that little, or no progress was made in an attempt to up the a "slight chatter" and improve the depth on the "newer 5.75 compadres, and .allowing that the 7" Compadres were likely candidates for success in uping the Sens. If this is all true, what would be the possibility that you could "up" the Sens. on the Amigo the same manner? I may be off base with all this, but these things caused me to wonder what was what etc. Thanks, Charlie S Ms.