Some quick facts:
White's has been using a 6½ Inch diameter Concentric search coil for years on all the other favorite model lines. I always refer to search coils by their physical size and have ignored incorrect labeling, or marketing ideas manufacturer's try that, to me, just weren't very good ideas in the first place. One example is the Tesoro 6" Concentric coil which they call a 5.[size=small]75[/size], but it isn't, it is a 6" diameter coil, but they got their odd-number marketing ideas from White's, I'm sure.
White's came out with their 6½" measured search coil for the 6.[size=small]59[/size] kHz series and labeled it the 600 Blue Max. It used a white-colored housing. Then they changed the name for that coil to the 5.[size=small]3[/size] Black Max using the same housing but in black. For reasons the decal showed the name change of that same coil to 5.[size=small]3[/size] Bullseye, still in the black housing for the latter series of 6.59 kHz models [size=small](Classic ID, IDX Pro, 5900 Di Pro SL, XLT, 6000 Pro XL, etc.)[/size] and also the labeled 5.[size=small]3[/size] Eclipse coil for the higher-frequency series [size=small](the DFX, MXT, M6, MXT Pro/All-Pro, VX3, V3i and MX-5)[/size].
All these Concentric search coils had two things in common:
One: They all measured 6½ Inches in diameter.
Two: They all worked exceptionally well for many applications.
No, the search coils do not measure 5.[size=small]3[/size]" and that caused a lot of average Hobbyists to never give them a try because, simply by the new name, many figured the coil was too small for their wants, suggesting it was just a little over 5" wide. For decades of Internet Forum and PM or e-mail activity, I have gladly described all of these search coils by their physical measured diameter of 6½ Inches .... and I will continue to. I just hope White's will be aware of how they label their new search coil that will be announced soon for the new MX Sport and MX-7 models.
Anyway, to fast forward this post to the good news we have to end 2017, White's will be bringing out a 6½ Inch Concentric search coil soon for these two models.
With new the MX-7 they would be bringing the MX Sport electronic package to a land-based model, and I was eager to want to buy one. When I saw the advance announcement Tom B. gave in a video, I was even more pleased because I've become a bit tired of way too many all-black detectors. Yes, I have enjoyed the XLT, Classic series, XL Pro, MXT series and M6, but just wore tired of their black housings, and black search rod set. Kind of blah for me after a while, and some of my other brand in my Regular-Use Detector Team also came in 'black' attire also.
For decades I have liked to be a little 'unique' or 'creative' in some way with my detectors so that they stood out a little 'different' from comparable models on the market. Swapped compatible search rods of a different color, or used a compatible search col from a different manufacturer, for example. I have a real passion for this great outdoor sport so I liked being a little 'unique' for the rest of the folks just to draw attention to what I was using and get into discussions about detectors and detecting, and the model that was in-my-hand.
You will see my 'custom' approach in my current detector group as with my two Nokta FORS CoRe models I had the black upper and middle rods stripped and powder-coated an 'Edge Red' color, and my two FORS Relic models have their two metal rods stripped and powder-coated an 'Edge Blue' color, making all of these models rather striking and they draw attention and questions. At first glance, the new orange color White's chose for the MX-7, which Tom B. told me is called 'Bengal Orange', is one that is quite appealing to me. I almost had some models powder-coated almost exactly this color and I'm glad I didn't because now the 'Bengal Orange' units in my personal arsenal will boldly let the White's MX-7 stand out.
Well, in this case White's unknowingly helped me out even more.
Not only did I drive over to White's a couple of weeks ago to buy this new and versatile 'BO Seven' [size=small](Bengal Orange MX-7)[/size], and a pair of replacement Pro Star headphones for what was stolen in October, but I also bought the 7" Detech Double-D search coil. To be quite honest, I don't thin a detector manufacturer should be stocking and selling an after-market search coil maker's product, but the 7" DD does work on the MX Sport units I've tinkered with.
Still I favor a smaller coil and was informed they will have the 6½ Inch coil for the MX7 and MX Sport and was provided one to evaluate. Here's where White's un knowingly helped me out. The coil in the familiar black housing, was just made and the lower black plastic hadn't been attached to the upper portion, plus the top of the black coil housing was blank. No decal yet.
What to call it? Naturally, I wanted to call it exactly what it is, a 6½ Inch Concentric designed coil, that would be working on my MX-7, and my oldest son added the 'personalized touch' to the decal he made so folks will know WHO's search coil it is.
Mont Jr. was busy working in his shop, Once Trees, making his custom woodcraft products and also doing his laser engraving and other things, and he had the tools and is always willing to help his Dad. I let him borrow the 6 ½ Inch coil for a day to get the two halves sealed in place, and he also worked up a custom decal for me. Well, actually it's for the coil, but you know what I mean.
I asked Tom B. when we could talk about the coil and he informed me that it is okay for those of us with the coil that 's out for evaluation to talk about it. He also said it is going to be in production soon, this coming year, for the MX Sport and MX-7 detectors models. I have posted this comment in some replies below, but a couple of pe3ople commented on-line or in e-mails that I should just make a fresh post about this soon-to-arrive search coil.
I have included three photos to show the search coil with one photo showing the coil mounted on my MX-7 so you can see the overall appearance. Let me say right here and now, I really like the MX-7. both the appearance and field performance, and that means I really like the 'Bengal Orange' coil [size=small](I've customized from stock)[/size] and I especially like having the 6½ Inch Concentric coil to complement my 7" DD and 950 Concentric coils for this versatile land unit.
I am sure Tom B. will make an appearance on this White's Forum in the near future and fill us all in on when they will be releasing a production run of this coil, so stay tuned and have a little post-Christmas shopping money left over for yourself.
[size=small]aka Mont to my friends and family.[/size]
White's has been using a 6½ Inch diameter Concentric search coil for years on all the other favorite model lines. I always refer to search coils by their physical size and have ignored incorrect labeling, or marketing ideas manufacturer's try that, to me, just weren't very good ideas in the first place. One example is the Tesoro 6" Concentric coil which they call a 5.[size=small]75[/size], but it isn't, it is a 6" diameter coil, but they got their odd-number marketing ideas from White's, I'm sure.
White's came out with their 6½" measured search coil for the 6.[size=small]59[/size] kHz series and labeled it the 600 Blue Max. It used a white-colored housing. Then they changed the name for that coil to the 5.[size=small]3[/size] Black Max using the same housing but in black. For reasons the decal showed the name change of that same coil to 5.[size=small]3[/size] Bullseye, still in the black housing for the latter series of 6.59 kHz models [size=small](Classic ID, IDX Pro, 5900 Di Pro SL, XLT, 6000 Pro XL, etc.)[/size] and also the labeled 5.[size=small]3[/size] Eclipse coil for the higher-frequency series [size=small](the DFX, MXT, M6, MXT Pro/All-Pro, VX3, V3i and MX-5)[/size].
All these Concentric search coils had two things in common:
One: They all measured 6½ Inches in diameter.
Two: They all worked exceptionally well for many applications.
No, the search coils do not measure 5.[size=small]3[/size]" and that caused a lot of average Hobbyists to never give them a try because, simply by the new name, many figured the coil was too small for their wants, suggesting it was just a little over 5" wide. For decades of Internet Forum and PM or e-mail activity, I have gladly described all of these search coils by their physical measured diameter of 6½ Inches .... and I will continue to. I just hope White's will be aware of how they label their new search coil that will be announced soon for the new MX Sport and MX-7 models.
Anyway, to fast forward this post to the good news we have to end 2017, White's will be bringing out a 6½ Inch Concentric search coil soon for these two models.

With new the MX-7 they would be bringing the MX Sport electronic package to a land-based model, and I was eager to want to buy one. When I saw the advance announcement Tom B. gave in a video, I was even more pleased because I've become a bit tired of way too many all-black detectors. Yes, I have enjoyed the XLT, Classic series, XL Pro, MXT series and M6, but just wore tired of their black housings, and black search rod set. Kind of blah for me after a while, and some of my other brand in my Regular-Use Detector Team also came in 'black' attire also.
For decades I have liked to be a little 'unique' or 'creative' in some way with my detectors so that they stood out a little 'different' from comparable models on the market. Swapped compatible search rods of a different color, or used a compatible search col from a different manufacturer, for example. I have a real passion for this great outdoor sport so I liked being a little 'unique' for the rest of the folks just to draw attention to what I was using and get into discussions about detectors and detecting, and the model that was in-my-hand.
You will see my 'custom' approach in my current detector group as with my two Nokta FORS CoRe models I had the black upper and middle rods stripped and powder-coated an 'Edge Red' color, and my two FORS Relic models have their two metal rods stripped and powder-coated an 'Edge Blue' color, making all of these models rather striking and they draw attention and questions. At first glance, the new orange color White's chose for the MX-7, which Tom B. told me is called 'Bengal Orange', is one that is quite appealing to me. I almost had some models powder-coated almost exactly this color and I'm glad I didn't because now the 'Bengal Orange' units in my personal arsenal will boldly let the White's MX-7 stand out.
Well, in this case White's unknowingly helped me out even more.
Still I favor a smaller coil and was informed they will have the 6½ Inch coil for the MX7 and MX Sport and was provided one to evaluate. Here's where White's un knowingly helped me out. The coil in the familiar black housing, was just made and the lower black plastic hadn't been attached to the upper portion, plus the top of the black coil housing was blank. No decal yet.

Mont Jr. was busy working in his shop, Once Trees, making his custom woodcraft products and also doing his laser engraving and other things, and he had the tools and is always willing to help his Dad. I let him borrow the 6 ½ Inch coil for a day to get the two halves sealed in place, and he also worked up a custom decal for me. Well, actually it's for the coil, but you know what I mean.
I asked Tom B. when we could talk about the coil and he informed me that it is okay for those of us with the coil that 's out for evaluation to talk about it. He also said it is going to be in production soon, this coming year, for the MX Sport and MX-7 detectors models. I have posted this comment in some replies below, but a couple of pe3ople commented on-line or in e-mails that I should just make a fresh post about this soon-to-arrive search coil.
I have included three photos to show the search coil with one photo showing the coil mounted on my MX-7 so you can see the overall appearance. Let me say right here and now, I really like the MX-7. both the appearance and field performance, and that means I really like the 'Bengal Orange' coil [size=small](I've customized from stock)[/size] and I especially like having the 6½ Inch Concentric coil to complement my 7" DD and 950 Concentric coils for this versatile land unit.
I am sure Tom B. will make an appearance on this White's Forum in the near future and fill us all in on when they will be releasing a production run of this coil, so stay tuned and have a little post-Christmas shopping money left over for yourself.
[size=small]aka Mont to my friends and family.[/size]